I wasn’t invited to my sister’s wedding because she wants to invite my ex-boyfriend.

Putting together a wedding guest list might seem fun, but it can also be tricky. Couples may have different needs, families may have different expectations, and taking into account guests’ budgets and tastes can cause arguments. Even with these problems, the most important thing is to find a balance so that everyone can enjoy the big day. This woman’s story is one of a kind: her ex was invited to her sister’s wedding but not her.

This is Emily, my sister. She is getting married soon. We’ve always been close, but after I broke up with Chris, my ex of 5 years, things changed. He moved to another country to look for work, and I didn’t want to move with him.

It’s always been nice between Emily and Chris, but I never thought she’d choose him over me. She called Chris yesterday and casually told him that she wanted him to be a groomsman in the wedding. Even worse, she told me I wasn’t invited because there was a “limited guest list,” because she thought Chris and I would cause trouble.

“Because my family is poor, I was going to pay for half of Emily’s wedding as a gift.” I told her that if she thought it was okay to not invite me because of my ex, she should be able to get by without my money. Emily got angry and told me I was petty and selfish. She also said I was ruining her day and trying to control her.

Now, our family is split: some say I’m right, while others say I’m being too mean and letting my breakup ruin her happiness. “Am I being a bad guy?”

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