People who had to deal with incredibly gross situations

We all try to stay away from disgust, but it can sneak up on us in the worst ways. People in this article talk about the grossest things that have ever happened to them—things that make them sick just thinking about them.

For fun, my best friend and I chose to garden in the backyard we share. We were excited to see our garden bloom, so we spent the weekend planting bright flowers and fragrant herbs. But our excitement quickly turned to disgust when we saw that a family of raccoons had moved into the flower bed we had just planted. They had not only dug up and killed our carefully grown plants, but they also left behind a disgusting mess of food scraps and droppings that had not been fully eaten.

The smell and sight of them made us rethink our gardening plans and call in a professional to get rid of the unwanted guests.

“When I worked in customer service at Walmart, I had a customer take off her very worn and smelly shoes and put them on the counter to get their money back because one of the insoles was coming apart.” It had been four or five years since we had sold that brand.

“When I was in elementary school, I was on the playground with my friends and we saw water fall from the roof.” We would just let it fall into our mouths and drink it, laughing and happy that we had found our own water source. We were caught by a teacher, and we had to be checked out because the water was coming from a pipe that rats had chewed through.

“The train I was on broke down for about 20 minutes.” Between the two of them, I could tell they were about 12 or 13 years old. I was next to their dad. First, the kids licked each other’s faces, and then they picked their noses. The dad didn’t seem to care at all.

I had to move to a different seat before I puked.”

“This guy I work with has a skin problem. I have no idea what it is—I don’t think even he does, since he won’t go to the doctor.” Anyway, it’s okay that his skin is flaky because of a reason.

What he does, though, is scratch, scratch, scratch, and his skin gets all over the place. When he comes to work at the store where I work, the other drivers get very angry because skin flakes are stuck to the dashboard, the seats, the floor, and everything else.

My boss had to tell him to clean up after himself when he got too bad. He still doesn’t use the handheld vacuum that she gave him.”

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