People who were disgusted in the strangest ways

It’s something we all try to avoid, but sometimes it’s impossible. Whether it’s an awful smell, a sickening sight, or a scary encounter, these things can stay with you for a long time. The experiences the people in this article had made them feel sick, and they still get sick whenever they think about them.

I was the only woman in a bathroom-only office full of men. It was our turn to clean it, and I was happy to do my part. We thought it smelled bad because a 60-year-old man was using the toilet, but he was actually peeing on the floor where there was a drain. He told my boss, “My wife cleans up after me at home.” People told him that his wife doesn’t work here, but he kept doing it anyway. The Avo Toast Whisperer on Reddit

I bought a pack of powdered donuts at a convenience store that I wasn’t sure about. I ate one after hours had passed. It didn’t taste good. I swallowed some, which is bad. The package said “glazed” on it. Mold that was white. I got sick. The BearishOyster on Reddit

We had to go to customer service, and there was a family of four in front of us. From what I can tell, the father was getting ready to sneeze and blew everything out of his nose into his hands. After giving it about two seconds of thought, he wiped it off on the shopping cart’s handle bar. I’ve never seen anything so gross in my life. Every single day, I will clean my shopping cart before I use it. On Reddit, CALL_ME_JIG

I used to work in customer service at Walmart. One time, a customer took off her very worn and smelly shoes and put them on the counter to ask for a refund because one of the insoles was coming apart. It had been four or five years since we had sold that brand. Steph85 on Reddit

I saw a woman put ranch dressing right into her purse. Theft of food is usually not a big deal for me, but that made me stop and stare for a moment. After a while, I found the bottle half empty. Re: Shy-Prey on Reddit

One of my favorite things to do at the beach is sink my toes into the cool, wet sand. In this case, I did that, and then I felt something was wrong with the sand. Nothing about it felt right; it was too warm, too soft, and something itched. Scared, I looked down and saw that I hadn’t sunk my toes into the sand. Instead, I was up to my ankles in the warm, slimy, rotting body of a fish. The tickling was caused by maggots crawling up my leg. This is missamericanmaverick on Reddit.

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