When a woman wouldn’t let a mother and child sit together on a plane, people’s reactions were unexpected.

A woman who is afraid of flying had to take a long flight because of an important matter. She reserved two seats next to each other ahead of time so that there would be a “buffer” between her and the next passenger in case she got sick at the last minute. The woman seemed to have planned everything, but all of a sudden, another passenger caused trouble.

She said, “Right before we started getting taxied, a middle-aged woman sat down in the middle seat out of the blue.” I told her right away that I had reserved that seat, and she was very kind at first. She told me in a low voice that she was running away from something bad and really wanted to sit next to her daughter. As she talked, she kept pointing out her daughter sitting next to her, as if I was a monster for taking that seat away from her.

The heroine didn’t give up and called for help from the flight attendant. Someone from the flight crew told the woman to go back to her seat. A lot of people were paying close attention because she did it while cursing out loud on purpose.

The heroine felt awkward even though no one said anything. When she got home, she wrote about her experience online and asked people what they thought: “Should I have just given up the seat I paid for?” People may have thought that the heroine would be criticized, but instead they gave her a lot of support.

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