People who understand that being a parent is always hard

It’s possible that being a parent is the hardest job in the world. You have to give your kids your full attention and energy all the time for many years. As long as you cook meals, take your kid to the park, play games, and read bedtime stories, some people might not think being a parent is hard. But that’s not at all what the truth is. The world turns upside down for a family when they have a new child.

I have one child by myself. “Where do babies come from?” my daughter asked me one time. I don’t like lying to my daughter, so I looked for a book for kids that talks about it. We really talked about it when we sat down.
A boy in the first grade told her that kids live in cabbage. My daughter, on the other hand, told him everything she knew. People who knew this boy called me the next day and asked, “How come your 7-year-old knows these things?” “That’s not right.”
They told me they would call child protective services and the police if I didn’t stop. And I said I would share the recording of our talk in the parents’ group. I also told the teacher so that no one would be upset. She stood by me. At least teachers can think critically, which is a good thing. What I Heard/VK

My friend has been married for five years. Her husband told her all of a sudden, “Let’s have a baby.” “Will you help me with the baby?” she asked him. Whenever? Are you ready to deal with my hormone changes? Could you work for both of us? What if the kid gets sick?”
He quickly stopped them from talking and told them, “You’re sick.” Radostnya ou Pikabu

A few years ago, when she was about 3, my daughter and I went shopping for tools together. When I looked away to see what it was, I heard someone say, “Daddy, what’s this?”
“Hey, honey, that’s an axe.” Give it to me, please.”
Everything went well, but I’m glad my wife wasn’t there. This is retailguy_again on Reddit.

I take care of the kids all day while my husband goes to work early in the morning. I got sick from food not long ago and had to go to the bathroom almost every five minutes. This is a big problem for me because I have two little kids (2 and 3 years old). I grabbed a bunch of toys, threw them out in front of the kids, and ran.
After 30 seconds of silence, I could hear things ringing and shaking. My heart dropped into my boots. When I ran outside, I saw two pranksters holding the curtain and the curtain rod. I have no idea how some moms do all the things they have to do. And my husband gets mad when I ask him to spend at least 15 minutes with the kids as soon as he gets home from work.

My little kid took a butter stick from the fridge and put it in the fish tank. After a few minutes, all of the fish were floating in the tank, dead. It had been a while since we had fish. this is earthenfirebrand on Reddit.

A daughter of distant relatives of mine could go two or three days without eating as a child if her parents wouldn’t give in to some of her wants. They didn’t try to find a middle ground; instead, they waited until the girl was hungry enough to eat some soup. But the same thing happened over and over because they kept spoiling the girl and giving in to some of her whims. This went away in the end, but she learned new, more sophisticated ways to manipulate him, like running away. Singing Coon / ADME

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