Due to my clothes, my boyfriend won’t let me go to the gym.

A healthy relationship thrives on trust and respect, but when jealousy crosses a line, it gets complicated. This is the situation facing one reader, whose boyfriend’s possessiveness has escalated to controlling her gym clothes. Let’s dive into her story and explore ways to help her out in this tricky situation.

She sent us a message:

“My boyfriend often gets jealous, but this time it got worse. Once, I was about to go to the gym, but he stopped me, closed the door, and said, “You aren’t going to work out there.” I told him to let me go, but he grabbed my bag, took out my workout clothes, and shook them in front of my face, saying, “Is this what you’re going to wear?” I had to stay home and work out there instead.

He thinks I wear too tight-fitting clothes although it’s just a simple top and leggings. He thinks my outfits distract men from working out. I’m not interested in that and I wear such clothes because they are comfortable.”


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