I regretted my entire life when my 20-year best friend paid me a visit.

Andrea, a 37-year-old woman, wrote us a letter with a story that shocked us. The woman’s best friend for 20 years is Sarah, and one time Sarah chose to spend a week with Maria. The next thing that happened left the poor woman feeling deeply and forever let down, almost as if she were frozen with shock. Andrea told us about the scary thing that almost happened to her, and we asked our readers what they would do in the same situation.

The two girls have been best friends for a long time.

We have a loyal reader named Andrea who wrote that she never thought she’d see and be a part of the grossest and most embarrassing event in her life. Andrea’s best friend, Sarah, who she has known since childhood, has turned into a real monster after the two women haven’t seen each other in a while and then met again. Andrea never thought that this would happen because of Sarah.

Andrea began her letter by saying, “My friend Sarah and I have had the best and most secure friendship for over 20 years.” We’ve known each other since we were very young, but we became close friends in our teens. Through all of the different things we’ve been through together, Sarah has always been the smartest and most helpful woman in the world for me.

“Recently, I moved to a different country because my husband got a promotion at work and an extended contract that required us to leave our home country and live in the place closest to his company ” Moving from the country where I’ve lived all my life wasn’t too hard for me. It made me feel like this was the start of a new life, and I was truly excited about it.
I felt bad about this big change because it meant I wouldn’t be able to see my friend Sarah as often as I used to. She told me she would come visit me as often as I wanted, which made me feel better after I told her the news. Who would have thought that one of Sarah’s visits would end our lifelong friendship and make us feel so badly about each other?”

After Andrea moved, there was a red flag, but the woman didn’t pay attention to it.

Andrea goes on with her story, “Sarah called me to see how things were going after I moved into our new house and my husband started his new job.” I told them that our lives were like a fairy tale, which made them laugh and admire me. “I told her I loved my new home, my husband’s new job, and even the nice people who lived next door.”

At that very moment, I could tell that Sarah did not like how my life had taken such a wonderful turn. I could tell she was jealous, but I ignored them because I thought they would go away on their own. I wish I had known that ignoring Sarah’s sadness was such a huge mistake that couldn’t be fixed!”

Stephanie had moved two years before Sarah came to see her.

In the next part of her story, Andrea says, “I asked Sarah to come over many, many times, but she said no.” She came up with a lot of reasons for this, and I didn’t push too hard because I knew she had her own things to do and that my new life was also taking my attention. That’s why we started talking less.
But Sarah called me one day and said she was finally going to come see me. I was very happy and agreed right away. I put everything away and got ready to spend a week with Sarah. Since she was coming with her kids, I bought them some nice gifts and made other plans to make them feel welcome and at ease.

Now Andrea tells us more about Sarah: “She sent me a message and asked if I could help her book a hotel room.” In other words, can I pay for it? Yes, I agreed. I used some of my Hilton Honor Points to book three nights at a great hotel close to our new home. The first night, they were kicked out because they had a big pit bull with them. It wasn’t friendly either. I said yes when Sarah asked if they could stay at our house.
After that, bad things started happening in my life all the time. We had a small BBQ party at my sister-in-law’s house the next day. After dinner, everyone went back outside to the back patio with the roof. To my surprise, Sarah ate almost all of the food while we talked and played games in the back for a couple of hours. We were all shocked when people came back in for more food and found that it was all gone. “Sarah ate too much.”

She wrote, “This was just the start.” Sarah, her kids, and I got up the next day and went to see some sights. When they left, I went for a walk around the house and began cleaning up after them. They made a big mess. Things like food wrappers and bottles all over the place.
It smelled awful when I went into the bathroom in the main hall to clean it and put new things in it. I saw something on the side of the bathtub next to the toilet as I walked in. It shocked me; it was poop. A lot of poop. It was on the toilet, the side of the tub, the wall, and the tile all over. They didn’t even get to the bowl. Then they took my nice towel off the rack, dipped it in the poop, and put it behind the toilet.
I was shocked beyond belief. Feeling sick. Feeling sick. I felt all the bad things. I cleaned that up and used bleach to steam clean the whole area. It feels bad even now. I don’t do anything in that bathroom anymore. I understand who did it. The same person who ate a lot of food all at once to be able to make that much. Sarah knows I love her, but she’s not welcome back in my house.

This wasn’t the only surprise; there was still more to come.

After a few days, Andrea wrote, “I had to cancel all of my bank cards and get new ones because of a strange $80 purchase at a restaurant during breakfast.” It took me a moment to figure out that Sarah must have stolen my information. When I talked to her about it, she denied everything and said I was the worst person ever to say such bad things about her.

“I told her again how much I love her, but I can’t be around people who will steal from me and damage my things. Since then, I haven’t talked to her. Sarah said she hates me on her social network. I’m lost on what to do next. Should I keep being friends with this woman?”


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