I’ve been getting even with my cheating husband for eight years instead of leaving him.

It’s best to serve revenge cold, and our heroine today knows that for sure. Recenty, a woman named Greta wrote a letter to our editorial and told us her crazy story, which began with something painful like cheating. She didn’t want her husband to just up and leave after having an affair with someone else. She wanted him to feel as bad as she did when she found out about his other relationship. It took her 8 years to get back at her cheating husband. Let’s learn more about this complicated story and how Greta feels about it all.

Greta and her husband have had the best marriage ever.

Greta, who is 40 years old, has always thought that being married to Rick has been a good thing. It was more than just a marriage, the woman said; it was a close bond, a real friendship, and a passionate love all at the same time.

She wrote, “Rick and I have been married for 15 years and have never had a single argument or fight during this whole happy time.” If you can believe it, our family has never had a scandal, a fight, or any other kind of verbal or nonverbal abuse. We’ve always been soulmates, best friends, and people who are very similar to each other.

We’ve been through a lot of hard times, problems, and pain together, but we’ve always been there for each other when things were the worst. What a terrible accident it was for Rick’s parents. I was there for him to help him get better. I didn’t give it a second thought before quitting my job to be with him every day until he was better. Our second child was told he had a rare genetic disorder that would cause him to slowly die every year. We were so united against this terrible news that we were able to find a way to treat him at one of the best clinics in the world. Our child is now alive, happy, and almost healthy.

Even though things got hard in our lives, I still believe that our love and unity got us through them. We both made it through because we were always holding hands, even when reality was mean.

The woman’s life became a living hell because Rick cheated on her.

Greta wrote, “I found out 8 years ago that my husband was cheating on me.” I always hated this type of movie, but I had to go through it myself. It was like a cheap soap opera. A woman who was his mistress’s friend called me and told me all about his affair. She even sent me screenshots of their texts and videos from their private dates.

It’s not enough to say that I was broken. For weeks, I couldn’t eat anything because I was so hurt. I told him right away that I knew everything, but I cried and yelled into my pillow at night so my husband and kids wouldn’t see or hear my pain. I believed my life was over.

I told Rick I knew everything when the pain got a little better. He didn’t say a word of denial and told me about his affair. I begged him not to leave, and he promised that this would be the last time in his life that he would trick me. I didn’t believe him, but I didn’t leave him right then. I agreed to stay married to him and not think about what happened between him and that woman.

He’s been a great husband and worked on himself since then, but I never really forgot about what he did. I’m now okay with things the way they are. “Until now.”

Because she wanted to get back at her husband, Greta didn’t get a divorce.

In her letter, Greta said, “I had something special planned to make up for every tear I shed because of this huge betrayal.” And the rest of my life went in a way that helped me carry out my cruel but right plan.

A few years ago, I had a major heart attack. It caused some blood to flow less freely, which was bad for my health. That accident changed the way I see things. I cut down on my blood pressure and cholesterol. On top of that, I started going to the gym regularly, and now I’m in the best shape of my life.

This was a very sad event, but it also helped me make the right choice in life. Getting my health back on track led to me improving myself in many other areas of my life. My fashion changed, I got ahead at work, and I finally discovered a new hobby that I loved. Due to my new hobby, I began talking to a lot of people.

That gave me hope that I could finally find someone better to marry than my husband. I knew for sure that I wanted to retire with a man who would never cheat on me. I finally made the choice to leave my husband, and it just so happened that Rick was going through a very bad time in his life at the same time.”

She broke up with Rick after 8 years of acting like everything was fine.

Greta told him, “Rick had been thinking that he was forgiven for these eight years.” I told him the truth about why I was leaving him after what seemed like a long time of happiness together. I told him I was leaving because I thought I could do better than him. I told him he’s still pretty, which is mostly true, but I want a man who has never cheated on me, and he’s not that man. Our kids are getting older, so he is becoming less useful to me every day. There’s no point in putting off what will happen anyway.

“To say that he wasn’t happy is a huge understatement,” Greta wrote. He lost it and began to say that I was using him. Like when I told him about his affair eight years ago, he yelled, called me names, and even cried. He said I stole his valuable time, which I think is the craziest thing ever because he was the one who stole and broken trust.

He tried to fix everything and even told us we should have a child to make our relationship better. But I didn’t listen to any of his attempts to argue with me, and I’m now happily moving forward with our divorce. Now is the best time for me to get a divorce because our kids are older and it’s easy for me to date. Things are bad for Rick right now at work and with his health, but I don’t care. Am I wrong?”


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