I Haven’t talked to my parents in years, and now they’ve reached out to me. I don’t know what to do.

When Marta was seven years old, her parents suddenly split up, and mystery fell over her life like a veil. She had a happy life after graduating, falling in love with James, and building a career. Her loving grandmother raised her. But an odd email from her father, whom she didn’t talk to in a long time, broke her peace. Check out her story below.

“When I was seven years old and my parents split up, my grandmother took me in right away.”

I finished high school when I was 18. My parents were no longer a big part of my life. They stopped sending me birthday cards and holiday emails all together. It was fine with me and my grandmother alone.

I got a job at a marketing company and met James, a nice graphic designer. He asked me to marry him last month after we became friends. It felt like life was full and whole.

A few days ago, I got an email from my dad that I didn’t expect. He said he had nowhere to go since he lost his job. He asked to spend some time with me. Reader his words made me feel a lot of different things: shocked, angry, and confused. After leaving me for so long, how could he ask for my help?

I gave James the email, and he asked if I was interested in meeting. I had to, but all I wanted to do was tell him he wasn’t welcome.

We met in a coffee shop. I went right to the point because he looked in a lot of pain. I told him that after all these years, he had no right to ask for a place to stay because I wasn’t giving it to him. He became angry and told me that he had sent me money and looked out for me until I turned 18. He said I wasn’t thankful and was rude.

I became more angry. Sending me money didn’t make up for leaving me. I was raised by my grandmother, not him. I turned my back on him and yelled that he had done what he could.

I think I made the right choice, but I’m still not sure.

Thanks, Marta”


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