I changed how my mother-in-law looked in our wedding pictures because she wasn’t wearing the right clothes.

This bride was thrilled at first, but quickly became upset when she saw that her mother-in-law had not followed any of the dress code rules they had carefully planned. The bride and groom had asked for muted colors, but her mother-in-law chose to wear a bright, flashy dress that didn’t go with the overall style.

The bride told what took place.

This took place at my wedding. I pay a lot of attention to details, and my husband and I planned our wedding with great care. Everything looked good and went together well in terms of color. Our color scheme was pink and black.

So that the wedding pictures would look good, I wanted my parents and grandparents to wear the same colors as us. I talked to each person individually and told them about the color scheme and how I desire everyone to match. I thought that this was fine with everyone.

Both sets of my husband’s grandparents went shopping to find clothes that would go with everyone in our wedding party. I loved that so much and thought it was so cute. Because my grandparents asked us to, my mom and I went shopping for them. That means they also matched.

I suggested that we go shopping together to find clothes for her, but she said she would go with her friends instead. I said yes, but then I forgot about it. What is my MIL wearing the night of the rehearsal? She tells my mom that she is wearing a long dress in the wedding colors.

The next day, I’m getting ready in the bridal suite when my mother-in-law walks in wearing a royal purple ball gown. I was shocked to see her with neon blue eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick because she doesn’t wear makeup very often. Her husband wore a tie that went with it. I was mad, but I didn’t pay attention to it because I didn’t want it to ruin my big day.

It was my FIL who asked me how he looked in pictures. I told him, “You and your MIL stand out like big sore purple thumbs.” I told him that they knew what that meant because they knew the dress code. They don’t look right now. It was given to him, and he said he would tell my mother-in-law about it.

Later that night, my mother-in-law came up to me and asked what was wrong. I asked her why she lied about what she was wearing. She said she never bought a dress that matched our wedding colors, but she was going to wear the purple dress she found. The important thing was that it was more true to her.

I told them it was okay, and I would fix the pictures after the shoot. She told me not to change anything because they paid for the pictures and I wasn’t going to change anything. They can’t control what I do, I told them. Any picture I post with her in it will be changed on my end. I left and had a great time at the rest of my wedding.

When my MIL tries to make things about herself, she says things like, “Well, I’m the mother of the groom, so my opinion counts.” Or, “May I also make a choice? I’m the mother of the groom and we’re helping pay for the wedding.” These people paid for 70% of the wedding. They also paid for the photographer and the rehearsal dinner. The photographer was a friend, and the whole night only cost $800. Everything about the rehearsal dinner cost $300 because they looked for the best deals.


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