Parents Who Must Have Missed School’s Etiquette Class

It’s true that raising kids is hard, and you don’t see results right away. Kids can be tricky; they often act out and make things difficult for those around them. A lot of parents try their best to teach their kids good manners, but some parents could use some lessons themselves.

“On Friday night, a friend called to come over.” I decided to help her, so I went to the store and bought some food and offered to cook dinner. After dinner, we talked and then went to bed. The child was banging on my head at 7 a.m., and his mom was standing nearby, smiling and saying, “He wants to play with you.” We’re no longer friends.
Trubadurochka1 and Pikabu

“I have three young children, ages 3, 4, and 5,” he said. For some reason, my ex-wife still lives with us even though she doesn’t want to or can’t work. Sharing food with her is usually fine with me, but I have told her more than once not to eat the treats I buy for the kids because I make sure they all get the same amount and plan my grocery shopping around that. Today, I found that one of the three Zebra cakes that were left was missing. There was still no food theft from the kids, so I asked my ex if she ate one of them. “Yeah, sorry,” she said with a smirk. Already, having her in my house while I do about 80% to 90% of the childcare makes me nervous. It was too much. I lost it, and even though I didn’t yell, I told her she had to go shopping for herself and shouldn’t take their food. I bought a few things for her at Walmart this morning because she doesn’t think to shop for herself very often. What she said in response was that she was willing to talk if I stopped being so hostile. ReaderRightRed99 on Reddit

“Yesterday, a child from a stranger fell asleep on my lap.” His mom did something really strange, even though it was cute. I let the kid sit on my lap because the bus was full. He fell asleep because the ride was long. When it was time for me to get off, I lost his mom. It turned out she was sitting right next to me, but she didn’t get her son for some reason. She laughed, “I see!” when I told her I was leaving and reached for the child. I was shocked. She didn’t say thank you and got mad at me for some reason. Ward 6 / VK

“A close friend of mine brought her 5-year-old son and asked me to watch him for an hour.” The child is very spoiled, always on the move, and bad. After an hour or even two, the friend still hadn’t shown up. I called her to find out when she would pick him up. She said she wouldn’t come until tomorrow because she needed to rest and go shopping. I had to help her and watch her child. Her son and I got dressed and went outside. I texted her that I would leave him in the street if she didn’t come. She picked up her son right away, but she was angry!” By Podsushano on VK


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