Truly scary stories that sound like movies but aren’t.

People often think that scary and heartbreaking events only happen in movies, but true events can be even scarier than anything in a movie. Some of these creepy events can be explained, but many of them will never be explained, which makes them even scarier. We’ve put together a collection of stories that will make your heart beat much faster.

At 3 a.m., I was in a taxi by myself. The driver kept looking at the car in silence. My apartment is on the eighth floor. When I got there, I rushed out of the car and into my building. Then I heard someone walking behind me—it was the driver. I started running up the stairs in fear, but he got closer. It scares me that he smiles, and it’s a big, wide smile. It scares me even more when I see something sparkly in his hand. It was my bracelet with diamonds. The driver gave it to me politely and made a sign that he couldn’t talk. After waving, he left the building. I felt ashamed. He was running behind me to get my bracelet back because I dropped it as I rushed out of the car. I learned not to judge people so quickly after that.

In my dream, I saw a picture right before I woke up. The words “The Fab Four” were written in white on all black. After that, I went to get coffee and while I waited, I read a special issue of Life Magazine about The Beatles. I saw the same picture: “The Fab Four” in white on a full black page. © CarlsbadW***kyShop / Reddit

Around 2005, I went for walks almost every night after putting my kids to bed. It took me an hour and ten minutes to do the same route every night. In the middle of the night, I found myself on my way backwards, and I had lost two hours. I still don’t get that one! Noodle_Salad on Reddit

I went to the bathroom when I was little and everyone else was asleep. I was just about done when someone knocked on the bathroom door. My dad was snoring when the doorbell rang. He was the only one in the house. Author: hero_brine1 • Reddit

One strange thing that happened to me that I still can’t explain was getting a message in a language I didn’t understand. It looked like it was coded or encrypted, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out what it meant. It confused and interested me. From Reddit user DarlingDazzler_r

A few years ago, I was driving late at night on a road that was empty when my car stopped. As I tried to start it up again, I saw a figure standing far away that was lit up by my headlights. It looked like the figure was getting closer, but when I blink, it was gone. After that, I quickly started my car and drove off. I still have no idea what or who that figure was. Ad-Min Swimming / Reddit

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