Nannies tell their craziest stories from work.

Not many people get to be nannies. Besides the fun part of taking care of kids, nannies often get into some pretty crazy situations. From strange events to adventures that came out of nowhere, these caregivers have seen it all.

When I babysit, I always hear footsteps upstairs, as well as doors closing and knocking. Toys will sometimes also go off. Even though I wouldn’t think much of it, the dog always gets excited when these things happen. For a while, I didn’t want to ask the parents because I didn’t want to sound weird lol. Finally, I did, and the dad answered like I just asked how their night was or something. “Oh, that’s just Earl.” He’s nice. He will stop, though, if you tell him to. catforest on Reddit

“I went to change a baby’s diaper while keeping my autistic 5-year-old son in his room with the door closed for that one minute.” When I went in to get him with the baby, there was poop on the walls, the floor, and the bed, as well as him jumping and running in it. Right away, I put the baby back in the crib and began cleaning it and him quickly while the baby screamed in the crib. It didn’t help that everyone in the family was afraid of germs… It was too much to handle. I learned the hard way not to leave him alone for a second. In Reddit, Kbctreatz444

“I had to clean up after my last nanny’s kids.” I went downstairs to get a snack while they watched a movie in the theater room. When I got back, they had broken one of those microbead pillows and were covered head to toe in these very static microbeads. I hadn’t been gone for more than 30 seconds. The couch and floor took me two hours to clean. To my dearest Brittany on Reddit

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