The scariest true stories that will make your hair stand on end.

True stories, not movies, are what really give you chills. You might think these things sound too unbelievable to be true, but they are. These scary stories are based on true events that defy logic and explanation and change the people who lived through them forever.

“It was late, and I heard a loud knock on my window.” I thought this was impossible because I lived on the third floor. The knocking kept going and getting louder. It scared me to look outside when I finally did. There was a person right outside my window. I was so scared that I froze for a second before picking up the phone to call for help. The knocking stopped as I tried to call. I moved slowly toward the window to get a better view. As soon as I got there, the figure laughed out loud. It turned out to be my friend with a harness around his neck. He was with a rock climbing group nearby and thought it would be funny to scare me.

“When I was 12, I was in the woods with my cousin.” When I turned around, I saw a mad homeless man staring at me from a wall. I had broken off a TV. He jumped, landed in the bushes, and then ran after us on all fours. On Reddit, seth-the-wizard

“I like to stare at the ceiling before I fall asleep, so I did that one night while I was lying in bed.” I heard the light switch flicker, and the light came on right away. There was no one else in the house, and my light switch is across the room from my bed. Author not known / Reddit

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