10+ Exes Who Know How to Make Things Really Tense

It can be very sad to see a relationship fall apart. Some couples are able to split up without a fight and even stay friends, but others show their darker sides. The stories we’ve chosen for you today show the shocking things people do when their relationships go bad. Get ready to be shocked by stories of people who crossed the line, making their love stories into warnings about betrayal and bad things that can happen.

1.I got home from a business trip to find underwear for women in my bed. They weren’t my things. I washed and wore them instead of telling my husband what was wrong. “Look, honey, I finally found those pants I lost years ago!” I told him when he got home.
As I served him dinner, I looked him in the eyes and said, “I made your favorite dish, lasagna.” I could see the fear in his eyes. Promise me you’ll get it all done. He said he had a stomachache and didn’t eat it.
Over the next month, I was a great wife. I cooked his favorite meals and kept the house clean. I was also very nice and kept smiling big. I did, however, make sure to read and watch a lot of real crime shows.
My husband started to worry too much and couldn’t sleep. He finally broke down and admitted that he had cheated, saying it was just a one-time thing. As you might expect, I kicked him out of the house and gave him the divorce papers.

2. I couldn’t find my dog because my ex gave her away on Craigslist. I had two dogs. She said one got away and she sold the other on Craigslist. I could not find either of them. I still check the Humane Society for both of them after more than ten years. From feochampas on Reddit

3. Both of our names were on the credit card we got. After we broke up, she took it out and ran it all the way to the limit for free. They came to get the money from me. When I told them we were divorced, the credit card company employee was very helpful. She told me that if I could send a copy of the divorce order, I would only have to pay the amount up to that day. It cost me less than $100 to send it in. My ex still owed about $10,000, which I paid. She never did, I’m sure. By slo196 on Reddit
4. We lived together for six years. She lied, and I found out. After a few weeks, she asked to come back to pack up her things. I was asked not to be there by her. I did what they asked and stayed the night at a friend’s house. She ran away from the country after stealing everything. And she took the curtains and the food that was in the drawers as well. My clothes, which were piled up on the floor, were the only thing that was left behind. It’s completely safe / Reddit

5.After I told him about my depression and anxiety problems, he told all of our common friends that I was “crazy.” After that, he told me he wanted to get back together, so I stayed the night with him. He sent me a message a few days later and told me it was all a lie. By nlg93 on Reddit

6.My dad had died, and I needed help a lot. She came over after I told her, and I cried for 45 minutes. After I was done, she told me, “You cried for 45 minutes.” That day, I knew that our relationship would not last. It was like she stopped caring about me after that, as if my battle was suddenly like, “Nope, not fun for me anymore, so I’m not going to try.” The girl I’m seeing now is the best I could have asked for, and I want to marry her. In a year or two, I might ask her to marry me. Credit: MathEnthusiast18 on Reddit

7. She began following me outside of my apartment and staring at me. And as soon as I was sure it was her, I called her and told her very clearly that I saw her as a threat and would do anything to stay safe. She denied everything, but she stopped following me around. [ancrm114d] on Reddit

8. When I went to break up with him, he “all of a sudden” went blind. We spent the whole day at the hospital after I took him there. They said they didn’t know why he was blind. I told him before that I wouldn’t leave him if he went blind, so I think that’s why he came up with this plan. When he wasn’t seeing, he played driving games. He rode his bike to the store in a big city even though he couldn’t see. He did this for a few years before he suddenly got his sight back. From Frilledmeg on Reddit

9.Four days after I left, my ex-girlfriend went on a date with a coworker. She got together with someone new just a few weeks after I left. She also stole half of my student loan money. At the time, I didn’t know about the new relationship, so I told myself it was okay because she needed the money to start over. After the fact, I learned that she was seeing this person the whole time we owned a house together. Not a known author/Reddit

10. She told me she was pregnant and sent me a test that showed she was. It was the first picture that came up when I looked for “positive pregnancy test results” on Google Images. It was 11 months pregnant, and he wouldn’t get a job, help out around the house, or support me in any way. On February 14, I got home early from work because I had to quickly go to my parents’ house for something. Since we lived 10 minutes apart, I could only have been gone for 30 minutes at most. He got very angry that we never spent time together because I was always at my parents’ house. I gave up and left. That night, he went to stay with his mom, and I moved back in with my parents after packing up everything in one trip.
He hasn’t paid child support in months and has only seen his daughter twice in three years. He hasn’t talked to me in almost a year. There is no one in his family who has met my daughter or even shown interest in meeting her. Author: bordermelancollie09 • Reddit

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