14 stories that show life has many twists and turns you didn’t see coming

You don’t have to look for movies with story twists you didn’t see coming. Life can also be full of twists and turns. We can’t help but wonder if our lives are really movies. Here are some stories like this one.

1.I lived in the same building as the man I would marry, but on different floors. Then fate brought us together. We had a rough love story.After being together for a year, I asked him a question only women can ask: “Honey, why did you fall in love with me?” “Well, you live close by,” he said. That night, I was so mad at him, but I don’t ask him those kinds of doubts anymore. Part 6 of the VK
2.I picked out a toy car for my nephew in a toy store the other day. I went to the doll section to think about the things I didn’t have as a child. While I was there, I accidentally heard a talk. “Mom, please buy me a doll house. It has everything—a washing machine, a kitchen, a bathroom, and even three beds!” asked the girl. The woman answered, “Diana, remember the deal we made?” If the price tag has three or more numbers, it’s not for sale. Part 6 of the VK

3.I found a phone on the street not long ago. I brought it with me so I could return it to its owner if they heard about it and called. There was a call, so I put the phone on charge when I got home. The number “Honey” called in the evening. I was happy to answer the phone and say that I had it. It turned out to be her boyfriend’s phone, and she told me to throw it out the window. I didn’t understand, so I asked her if she was having fun. The girl also said that her boyfriend had cheated on her. After getting off the phone, I waited for someone else to call. Part 6 of the VK
4.I’ve always dressed in a sporty way. But for the thesis defense, my mom and a friend talked me into getting pumps to go with my pantsuit. It was my choice to walk around in them after I bought them. I also slipped on the wet porch as I was leaving the mall and hit a man. His left leg got sprained, and mine got sprained. This is how we met in the emergency room seven years ago. It would have been a cute story if it hadn’t happened again a year later. We broke up, and it looked like we were going to get a divorce. We hadn’t even been living together for a month. But we met on the same mall porch where he slipped and hit me. I sprained my left leg, and he sprained his right. Please save us. We thought it was fate. © VK and Mamdarinka
5.I took a cab one day to go shopping. The driver had red hair. My red dog ran up to me when I opened the door to my house after we stopped.”Are you going to help me carry the bags, ginger?” When I got out of the car, the cab driver was standing there holding my bags. “I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to the dog,” I had to say. It wasn’t right. Part 6 of the VK

6.After work one night, I sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea and listened to my husband talk. He told me a story about going to the grocery store. He had trouble finding his black T-shirt, but then he did. Why he couldn’t get the car to start, but then he did. And the road always had a red light. But then he got lucky, and for almost a mile, it only had green lights. He said he couldn’t find a sausage, but then he did. How he put a saleswoman in her place after she insulted him, and then he drove home and listened to jokes on the radio.
The story wasn’t interesting, but he was telling it for so long and in such great detail that it sounded like he was reliving Star Wars instead of just telling about his trip to the store. That’s when I realized: I’ll have to listen to this crap for the rest of my life if I don’t finish this now. After a month, we got a divorce, and I’ve never felt bad about it. Part 6 of the VK
7.I teased my little sister my whole life because she didn’t look anything like my dad or me. “You’re adopted” was a joke I always told her. When I told her we found her on the porch, she would say, “Thank god, that means I’m not related to you.” It became a joke between us. They thought it was “mean,” but my sister could handle a joke, and she knew I was just making fun of her; she joked about it herself. I learned a few years ago that she was the result of an affair that didn’t last long. My parents told no one about the fact that my dad loved her as his own child. Last year, they told her. I still joke about her with “maybe you’re adopted” but they’re a million times funnier now. By ae____ on Reddit
8.I’m due in two months. My husband and I chose this time to tell our daughter that she would soon have a brother or sister. Lisa is a kind and loving 10-year-old girl. We loved and treated her a lot and always gave her our full attention.We tell her all of this because we want her to be happy or just surprised. She screams, “No, I don’t want to!” as her face turns red with anger. It really shocked me. She says, “I want to be the only child in the family!” when we try to calm her down and tell her how great it will be. Bring this child back, do something! I don’t want it!” After that, she cried. She’s now in her room crying and won’t talk to us. I don’t know what to do because I’m so lost. What people have said about my pregnancy so far. After giving birth, I’m afraid of what might happen. © VK and Mamdarinka

9.My girlfriend of two years moved away so she could go to school a few hours away. A lot of the weekends, we saw each other. We had a great time together the weekend before Valentine’s Day.On Valentine’s Day the following weekend, I go to see her at her folks’ house. As I walk up to the house, I can see her and her fiancé showing her parents an engagement ring through the window. After six years, she found out about his other wife and children. From thecultcanburn on Reddit
10.We’ve been married for seven years. Our lives look great: we have a good job, a nice house, and lots of friends. It all began a few months ago. My wife has been staying late at work and hiding her cell phone. Then I saw texts from a man on her phone by accident. They were in love. I also found pictures of my wife with him. My heart was beating really fast. I told her everything, though. She was shocked. She had been seeing this guy for a while to work through some problems in her personal life. My wife told me she liked him more than just professionally and that their relationship had grown. It was over, she told me, and she wanted to work on our marriage. I have to decide what to do next. On the one hand, I want to leave my partner because I feel cheated on and can’t trust them anymore. But I’m also thinking about trying to fix our relationship again, especially since she’s ready to get help and is truly sorry for what she did. From bogotabombshell on Reddit
11.I looked at my phone while riding the bus. A sports cap and a hoodie were on my head. A woman in her fifties walked in. “Hey, don’t you want to give up your seat for a woman?!” she yelled as she pushed me. “What’s wrong, daughter? Are you tired?” I asked as I took off my baseball cap. I’ll never understand why she left in silence and went to the back of the house. My grown grandkids gave it to me for my anniversary, so maybe she felt bad about it. copyright SITUATION/VK

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