8 people who could win the competition for being the laziest.

Many people are willing to clean and organize their space every day. Their dream home is perfect, and they always want to do things “the right way.” But there are also people who know how to relax and enjoy every moment without getting too caught up in small things.

As a bonus, you’ll learn that some people don’t even worry much when they are remodeling.

I don’t like how lazy my lady is. She doesn’t like doing the dishes. She usually uses throwaway ones and eats out of them. Okay, that makes sense. But I was shocked when I saw her clean a plastic plate the other day. Because they were out and it would have taken longer to wash them than to go buy new ones. Overheard/ Idear

2. My kids and I always have to fight about dirty dishes. But every day for a week now, when I get home from work, the plates are clean. I thought at first that the kids weren’t eating because the pots are getting empty. I heard my older son banging dishes one day. When I walked into the kitchen, he was putting food on top of a plate that was stuffed into a plastic bag. He just takes off the bag and throws it away when he’s done eating. They are clean because of that.

3. I found the way to clean all the time this morning. Now that I’ve spent hours cleaning up, I can sit down and talk about it. This secret is in a simple, bright, cool white light bulb. When you first turn it on and put it in, the first thing you see is dust on the floor, which you vacuum up. You then wash the floor because the hoover didn’t pick up everything. Then you see the dust on your desk, computer, shelves, and window sill that you hadn’t seen before because the light bulb has carefully shown it to you. That’s how to fix being lazy. “drumaha” / “Pikabu”

4. Without a doubt, my parents are the laziest people I have ever met. As I grew up, things were not as bad as they should have been. When I moved out, I saw that they had taught me and my brothers a lot of bad habits. So I guess my work ethic came from wanting a much better life. People always tell me how hard I work, but the real reason is that I’m afraid of going back to that way of life. From Hexavalence on Reddit

5. Five-course dinner was made, four paintings are being painted at the same time, and a dress is being made for my niece. The walls in the house have been washed, and the car has been cleaned inside and out. I called all my friends and family, even fifth cousins, brushed the cat three times (the cat is mad), and put all the folders on my computer and phone in order. There are books in order on every shelf. I have tests this term. And I’ll do anything to stay away from philosophy class. Overheard / Idear

6. For her birthday, I bought my mom a dishwasher. It’s been on the balcony for three years. It’s not even used by Mom. “I’m lazy,” she says. I am only going to rinse the dishes. But it’s a good stand for plants in pots. © Pikabu and mamon4ik

7. When I was in school, I lived with my grandma. She was a responsible person who always got up early, made breakfast, woke me up for thirty minutes, and took me to school. I was always late when I moved out on my own as an adult. The thought that everything would be okay in the end and that I would be on time stayed with me for decades. I’m not late anymore just because my wife wakes me up. © Kopxu / Pikabu

8. To be fair, I have bought potatoes that were already peeled after a long work shift. Every day I prepare and cook for hundreds of people, so the last thing I want to do is go home and prepare and cook dinner for myself. But we have to eat at home, so this is the easy and lazy choice for dinner. This is nolongerthe***ed1 on Reddit.

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