The More You Read These True Stories, The Creepier They Get.

Some people feel scared without watching or reading scary movies or books; they’ve had their own scary experiences. Some of these strange events have easy to understand reasons, but others will make you question what you think you know about reality. There is one thing for sure: the true stories we’ve collected will stay with you long after you’re done reading them.

1. My husband texted me to let me know that he would be back from work two days early. He came home on Monday and said sorry for not telling me sooner that he was coming. “What do you mean?” I got your text!”
We both turned pale when I showed him my phone. “Make sure to always have your phone with you; you never know who might mess with it!” said another text. Because we were so confused, we thought it was a coworker pulling a joke on us. The message had only been sent an hour before, though, and my husband was in his car by himself at that time. We still don’t know who sent those two messages, but thankfully no more have come our way since then.

2. Eight days before my daughter was born, my husband died. That time, my son was five years old. I told a friend that my husband never got to meet our daughter when he was 18. When I turned around, my son said, “No, he did.” What he said next sent chills down my spine. He said that for seven years, his dad would visit them at school every day. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped, and they never saw him again. What worried me were the specifics my son remembered. The way the man moved and the red hat he wore were exactly the same as things his dad used to do. My daughter told me exactly the same thing about the man when I asked her. I still get chills thinking about how that man could not have been their dad. He was no longer alive. I still have no idea who that stranger was who came to see my kids.

3. There was a girl who loved me very much, but I didn’t want anything to do with her. When I got home for the summer one year, I found out she had moved into the apartment across from ours in my family’s building (each floor has two apartments). After school, I didn’t think about her again. Before this, I had never told her where I lived. I chose to be nice and talk to her family, welcome the neighbors, and other things. Her mom told me that the girl had suggested they move there. As for whether it was planned or just happened by chance, I have no idea. But since we live in a big city, the chances of that being a coincidence were pretty low. Kenhamef on Reddit

4. I heard the sound of a child laughing and running on a hard floor all through the house when I was 15 years old and by myself.
The whole first floor of the one-story house was carpeted, even the kitchen. Through charrarenottrout on Reddit

5. I was in London on the Tube, and there was a guy sitting next to me who was wearing a very strange and bright t-shirt. I looked at him and his shirt the whole time, which is what you do on the Tube. The guy in the T-shirt stayed on the train after I got off. That same guy went by me on the other escalator as I went up to street level. He was coming down from the street. He couldn’t have been there—I left him on the train. It really scared me. Abervilla on Reddit

6. In my dream, my husband and I had three kids. Before they slowly disappeared like Thanos, it was sweet and happy. I remember feeling “off” when I woke up. We found out the next week that I was going to have triplets. One of them died during pregnancy, the second one suddenly stopped growing, and the third one had to be taken out because it was too small and could have killed me. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. From prznmike on Reddit

7. When I was about seven years old, I lived in a house whose previous owner had died. It didn’t bother my parents because they didn’t believe in ghosts or other supernatural things and thought nothing bad would happen. My room was the coldest in the house, and one night I woke up to see a thin, pale man standing at the foot of my bed and staring at me. I didn’t scream because I was so shocked that I must have passed out because the next thing I knew it was morning. I was afraid of making my parents think I was crazy if I told them. But I remember his face so well. From Reddit user Informal_Mushroom115:

8. A very, very long time ago, there was an empty old house at the far end of a plant nursery. Other people told us that they were going to that place to party. My friend, his girlfriend, and I got some snacks and went over one night, using only the moonlight to guide us. We moved toward the broken-down house that we saw hidden behind some tall trees.
I heard a single frog croaking as we got closer. There were more frogs making noise as we got closer. A few steps further, the sound of thousands of frogs drowned out all other sounds, as if to warn us not to get any closer to the burned-out window house. We did what the frogs told us to do and took our snacks back home, where it was safe. © Reddit user Buck-osogrande-5150

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