Secrets in the family that might be the most searched on Google

Sometimes our curiosity gets the best of us, and we listen in on other people or find out things that aren’t known. In this digital age, a lot of people choose to share their family’s deepest secrets online. It’s clear that telling these stories gives them a sense of relief and freedom.

1. My brother has always had the best of everything since we were kids. My parents even paid for his college while I worked to pay for mine. I always thought they liked him more because he’s a boy. I recently told my dad, “I’ll treat my two kids the same, unlike you!” I’m 43 years old now. He started to cry. Mom tried to stop him, but he told her something scary. It’s time for you to know—I’m not the father of your brother.
I was shocked when he told me that he and my mom briefly split up when I was three. At that time, she started dating a rich man and got pregnant with my brother. They were only together for a few months before she went back to her dad. The rich man didn’t want to be involved with my brother’s life, but he did offer to send his son money every month to help out. So badly did Dad want Mom back that he agreed, even though it meant that his daughter and her son wouldn’t have the same opportunities as they grew up.
The worst part? My brother doesn’t know.

2, My aunt stole from the bank where she used to work. She had to sell her apartment to get the money back. In the same bank, this aunt was caught cheating on her husband. Since she’s from a small town, it caused a stir.
She is the last person you would think would do those things, which is funny. She did, though. Thanks to callmetangerine on Reddit

3. My great-grandfather ran a shady business selling stolen coal. He kept the money secret by buying land and a Florida hotel in pieces. People who owned the hotel that my great-grandmother owned wanted to buy out her share of the business found out after he died. In the end, she had the whole hotel. A few years later, she sold it along with the land. The kids didn’t know anything about what she did until after she died, so no one knows how she did it. Not a known author/Reddit

4. It was a few years ago that my grandmother learned her dad had two kids with someone else. This jerk gave the kids the same names as my grandmother and her brother, so he wouldn’t have to worry about mixing them up. From Ok-String6517 on Reddit

5. My sister-in-law just told us that she has been “the other woman” for the last 18 months, dating her boss in secret. This caused her boss’s 10-year relationship to end. He has a daughter with the woman he used to be with, who is now one year old. The worst part is that my sister-in-law thinks they are soulmates and doesn’t want to break up. (alltheaids) on Reddit

6. My dad may have cheated on my mom with my aunt, who was married to her brother at the time. My grandfather, who is the father of my mom and uncle, caught her getting out of his car one day and yelled at both of them. In 1995, 25 years after she divorced my dad, my mom found out about it. It had also been 25 years since my uncle and aunt got divorced. arcos00 on Reddit

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