His stepdaughter made my dad refuse to go to my graduation. Enough is Enough!

The day you graduate from high school should be happy and proud. It’s even more special when loved ones are there. But in today’s story, the event is less happy because a father chose not to come. It was really disappointing not having him around.

He told his story on the web.

I am a guy who is 18 years old and graduating from high school at the end of the month. His stepdaughter, who is 14, has an award ceremony for a competition she won in another state on the same day as my graduation. My dad told me about this two nights ago. She really wants him to come. He said he couldn’t go to both, but his wife and kids are going, so he has to go too. He told me he’d make it up to me and that we could celebrate again.

My dad and I still live together, but not for much longer. When I was seven, my mom died, and when I was eleven or twelve, he got married again. His stepdaughter never knew her real father, so my dad raised her as his own and has spent a lot of time on her over the last five or six years.

This change isn’t always clear, but it can be seen. He broke up our time with him as a father and told us to include her in our activities instead. During father-daughter time, he also spent time by himself with her. When I told him about this, he said I wasn’t trying to get closer to her and that he wanted us all to get closer together, not just me and him.

If both of our dance events happen at the same time, he always goes to hers, even if my game was supposed to happen first. It’s always her idea over mine when we go on family days where the kids get to choose what to do. He says it’s because her choices are more fun for everyone, but he later says it’s really because he wants his little princess to be happy.

Both our fridge and shower stopped working at the same time. Since his stepdaughter’s birthday was coming up, he used money from my birthday fund to pay for the repairs. This way, she still got the $250 Barbie house and fashion set she wanted. He hadn’t been able to replace all the money by my birthday, so I got a $30 gift card instead of the new monitor and keyboard he had promised. The monitor and keyboard were made to go with the computer my parents gave me.

I told my dad that he could forget about being a part of my life in the future when he said he would miss my graduation to be with her. He said he would make it up to me, but I told him I wasn’t going to put up with being third to his “little princess” any longer. I told him he wouldn’t push me aside again. I didn’t listen to his pleas to be reasonable; I just left.

Then I asked both sets of my grandparents to come to my graduation, and they said yes. His wife told me I could go with them instead of going to the ceremony to help “my sister.” I told her that her daughter is not my sister and that I no longer wanted to help their family. I also told them I would soon be gone from their lives. She told me I was selfish and that I couldn’t keep her daughter from having a father.


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