Asking my best friend to watch my kids was the worst thing I’ve ever done.

Andrea is a 30-year-old woman who recently went through something that made her hair stand on end. For a long time, the woman is likely to remember how shocked she felt. The person Andrea used to talk to was the cause of these terrible feelings. The woman wrote us a letter in which she talked about the time she asked her best friend to watch her kids and how terrible it was for both her and her cute toddlers.

Andrea and her best friend had always helped each other out.

The mother of two little girls is 30 years old and her name is Andrea. She recently found herself in a terrible situation and needed her best friend’s help even more. The woman told their story, which caused a lot of controversy. The only thing she wanted was to talk to someone about it and get some help from our readers.

At the beginning of her letter, Andrea said, “Anna and I have been best friends for over 15 years.” We’re always there for each other if anyone needs help. It’s not something we write down. And we did help each other through the worst times of our lives.
When I found out I was pregnant with twins, Anna was there for me and helped me with everything. When I was going through a painful divorce and postpartum depression, she was there for me and helped me. I always believed I could depend on her, and she always knew I would be there for her if she needed me afterwards.

Anna was always there for Andrea, even when things were at their worst.

“After our painful divorce, my ex-husband left me alone with our two kids, and I barely managed to handle everything,” Andrea says next. Even though I never asked for help, Anna always knew I needed it and was there for me. She had never babysat for me before, but she always told me that she would help me if I needed it.
Now is the right time for me to ask her about it. The two little girls I have asked Anna to watch them for two weeks while I made some very, very important, big changes in my life. I did give her a few chances to change her mind, and when she did, I told her she could use drop-in childcare whenever she needed to. I told her she could use my babysitter, and I would pay for everything she needed.

Andrea said, “The agreed upon babysitting time was two weeks, but I stayed with Anna’s kids for the first week so that they could get used to it and Anna could have them for one more week by herself.” During that week, I told her everything about my kids. I’m way too protective and careful with my girls, and I told Anna several times what they do every day. It looked like everything was fine.

From the moment Andrea left, very bad things began to happen.

Andrea continues, “I left feeling completely sure that I didn’t have to worry about my girls 24 hours a day, seven days a week while I was busy with my problems.” I was horribly, horribly wrong!
After two days, Anna sent a message saying she was stressed out and the girls were screaming. She talked about them as if they were little terrors. To give Anna some peace of mind, I used a close family member to get the girls for a few hours. After that, we texted, and she still made me feel like she was in charge of everything. Again, wrong.

“After three days, Anna complained about how much my kids were eating, which caught me off guard. We laughed about how easily they could put on a few pounds.” Even sent a couple hundred dollars to cover what the girls “newly discovered” they liked to eat. After 4 days, someone in my family watched the girls for a few hours. We texted, and I made sure the girls were okay.

Anna’s actions finally reached the craziest level.

Andrea said, “Later that night, Anna sent me a very long message calling me a bad parent and accusing me of taking advantage of her.” She told me I had to change my plans out of state to get my kids “now.”
It completely shocked and confused me, and I started calling a family member right away to get my girls. I didn’t argue at all after that was set. I just said sorry, even though I thought her accusations and hints were very wrong, and I told her that her feelings were hers and that I had no right to judge them.

“Just took it,” Andrea said. “I told her the girls would be picked up right away the next day.” She kept saying that I was taking advantage of her by enjoying my free time with my girls while she was taking care of my girls and that I “lack of communicated.”
I told her again that I was sorry she felt that way. I wish I could say I was enjoying the time with the kids, but I wasn’t. I’ve been working hard every day. She had my trust, and I thought she could handle one week. But she let me down so badly that I don’t know how to move forward with our relationship. What should I do?”


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