I taught my granddaughter a lesson she will never forget when she threw me out because I didn’t have any money left.

We were all deeply moved by the letter that a 65-year-old woman wrote and shared her story. She talked about how she raised her grandchildren like they were her own after their parents died in a terrible accident. The woman went through a lot and made sure these kids had the best life possible. She later found out that her granddaughter wanted to get rid of her because she was broke. But the kind grandmother didn’t want to take this bad news. Instead, she chose to teach her a lesson that they will probably remember for the rest of their lives.

Amy sent us a letter in which she told us her sad story.

Emma, 65, has always been there to help people who are having a hard time in life by giving them good advice. The woman never thought that one day she’d come back from the dead and tell a very painful story. Emma said she wanted to know what other people thought about her situation and what she did after she learned that things in her family had gotten very bad.

“Hi!” was the first thing the woman wrote in her letter. It makes me feel a lot of different things as I write this letter to you because I’m thinking about something that happened recently in my family that had a big impact on my life. I have two grandchildren who are no longer children; they are now adults who are happy with their lives. Since they were 10 and 12 years old, I’ve been their grandmother and mother. My son and his wife died in a terrible car accident, leaving their kids, my grandchildren, without parents in just one day.
I was so sad that I thought my life was over because I had lost my only son and my beloved daughter-in-law. Adding a new sense and meaning to my life was the only way for me to stay alive and get through this terrible tragedy. And I did it. I gave my whole life to my grandchildren, Paul and Rachel. They are the only things that have kept me going since that terrible event.

She took care of her two grandchildren for a lot of her life.

Emma said, “When Rachel and Paul lost both of their parents, they were at that age when kids can understand what a tragedy means. They were both so distraught that it hurt me to look at them.” I set up therapy for both of them right away, and I went through it with them. I also worked really hard on being more positive around the kids so I could be their role model. Even though I was still sad and grieving, I had to get myself together for the kids’ sake.

“My life changed a lot after the tragedy.” I went from being a grandmother to having to be more than one thing for these poor kids. I had to be their mom and dad as well as their grandmother. I was the only one who could care for and feed them. That was my life goal: to make sure Rachel and Paul had a great life. They had even more than what they needed. I worked very hard to give them a good life and a good education. They were raised with love and care.

Emma worked hard to make sure her grandchildren did well in life.

Rachel and Paul are now adults, Emma said. “They’re both engaged, have their own places to live, and have good jobs that pay well.” Paul lives with his fiancée, but Rachel lives alone right now because her boyfriend is from another state, but she plans to move in with him later this year.
They moved out on their own, leaving me feeling very lonely. I recently asked Rachel if I could move in with her in her big house, which I helped her buy, and she gladly agreed. I know now that her “happiness” was fake and that she wasn’t really excited about living with me, but at the time I thought she was glad we would have more time together. I thought we could make living together a good experience for both of us. In every way, I was wrong.

“I heard Rachel talking on the phone with Paul one day.” She was madly telling me that she can’t stand me any longer. She told me that I was a burden on her because I wasn’t helping the family with money very much. Another thing Rachel didn’t like about me was that I spent my days painting, which made her mad.
Paul was trying to make her understand by telling her, “I’m their grandmother, and I raised both of them.” That was back then, though, Rachel said, and now things are different. She told me to leave right away. She said that my paintings were “trite sentiments” and that she would rather get rid of me because I was a “dead weight” for her.

She told Paul, “Rachel also said that he should take me in, which he gladly did.” I moved into his house a week after that conversation, and Paul and his fiancée were very kind and loving to me. They gave me a lot more!”

One day, Emma taught both of her grandchildren something very important.

“Paul’s fiancée, Tina, saw my paintings and insisted that I show them to a friend of hers who is an art expert,” Emma said. To my shock and amazement, that man was so impressed with how I made art that he set up an exhibition of it in a big gallery. I was shocked to learn that people really liked my art. Twenty of my paintings sold very quickly, I made a good amount of money, and I even got some attention during that memorable show.
After a short time, I saw Rachel, who had also come to this gallery. As she came up to me and said she was sorry for what she had done, I told her I completely forgive her. Then, I was shocked when Rachel asked me how much money I made from selling my art. It was clear that she was going to ask me for something, and that’s when I thought of how I was going to spend the nice amount of money I got out of the blue.

She wrote, “I grabbed a microphone and told them I needed to give a speech.” A lot of people at the exhibition heard me tell the whole story of my life. For Paul and Rachel, there were a lot of family, friends, and even coworkers. When I told Rachel how she had hurt me, I told her I didn’t hold a grudge against her and that I forgive her for being selfish.
Then I told Paul’s fiancée, Tina, that I was giving all of my money to her because she believed in me and my art and didn’t think it was “fluffy nonsense.” In addition, I said that I would be painting even more pictures from now on, and that every single one that sold would help the person with the kind and loving heart, Tina.

Emma said, “Rachel didn’t say a word to me when she left the exhibition, and she hasn’t talked to me since.” Because she still means a lot to me, I want to talk to her again because what she did hurt me. On the other hand, I think this is a good lesson for her and her future because I had to teach her this painful lesson. She can’t treat people who love her badly like this. In this case, am I wrong?”


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