When a simple job of cleaning turned into a family fight.

A lot of people don’t like living in a mess, but everyone has different ideas about how to clean. Some people find it relaxing to clean the floors or do the dishes, while others dread seeing mops and sponges. There are people in our article who don’t always enjoy cleaning, and some of their stories are so crazy that you’ll be torn between laughing and giving them a hug.

My mother-in-law is like most: she doesn’t like everything I do. I freaked out one time and told my husband to do everything by himself. He cleaned up and cooked with great enthusiasm.
The mother-in-law started to look for dust in the corners when she got there. After she ate some food he made, he told her, “Your wife is a slob.” The ground is dirty. It’s dirty all over. The food tastes awful. “She can’t do anything right!” My husband has never looked so dazed. Overheard or Idear

I always believed my ex-wife was too strict with our daughter. Three months ago, my daughter called me crying and asked if she could move in with me. They were shocked when I told them I was going to take the child or I would sue my ex. My ex looked calm, even though I was scared. She was even happier because she could now go on secondment to another country for six months and send our daughter to help her pack. At first, everything seemed fine, but then I saw that the daughter was very messy. It was unpleasant to go into her room at all. She yelled at me when I tried to tell her she needed to clean up, and when I kept telling her she would call social services, she finally gave up. I don’t know what to do until my ex comes back home in three months. Overheard or Idear

As a child, I learned that after making the bed in the morning, I should wipe down the surface to get rid of any dust. The habit is still going strong. In our house, there is never any dust, which my mother-in-law always finds strange. She got mad when I told her I dust every day because she didn’t believe someone could clean every day. This is Lika Mad/ADME.

In 1994, when I was 28, my dad died. I found adoption papers in his safe while I was going through it. I was raised as an only child, so reading them made me happy because it meant I might have a brother somewhere. But I didn’t understand why my parents never told me they had adopted a child. I found out that the papers were about me after reading them again. From rolandblais on Reddit

Do not be like me, when you clean, wear rubber gloves. I chose to clean our classroom today because I work at school. It was a bad idea for me to use a stain remover on the desks and chairs to make them look better. After that, I saw that my hands were white. They wouldn’t come off when I went to the bathroom to wash them. My skin started to peel and itch. When I asked our chemistry teacher what it was, she told me it was a chemical burn. The good news is that I had the cuticles cut off of some of my fingers. It was funny because I still couldn’t get some kid’s drawings off the chairs. © Pikabu or Anonymous


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