People who seem to know what life is all about.

If you want to get what you want or teach someone a lesson, you don’t always have to make a scandal and stand your ground. Tricks or even lying can work much better sometimes.

I’ve worked as a flight attendant for ten years. I try to help people all the time, but I hate it when they lie. People who like to get things for free are in a certain group. There was a guy in economy. I asked him, “Would you like chicken?” while we were setting out food. It was him who said, “I’m a vegetarian.” “Last time,” he said, “they brought me food from business class.” To be polite, I would have offered it anyway, but he was acting strangely. The strong smell of bacon chips coming from him might have made me believe him. So I chose to show him how to behave. I got a silver tray from first class and brought it back. When I told him that the vegetarian option in business class was out, he tried to cut me off so he could complain, but I raised my hand and said, “However, I went one step further and got the last vegetarian meal from first class.” After putting the salad in front of him, I took the linen cloth off the top of the tray. Look at the look on his face. Troikos on Reddit

I used to work nights all the time. One of the managers would sometimes want to leave early, so we would fill in for him. We weren’t even thanked for what we did. Then someone sent a mean email to our whole department telling us we couldn’t use the managers’ computers. I was mad because we were doing it to help the guy out, and he was complaining about us! Okay. We said we couldn’t use their computers when they asked us to fill in for the manager again. Through Fire_The_Torpedo2011 on Reddit

I play video games and spend a lot of time on screen. Work > grocery shopping > home games is pretty much my daily routine. Every single day. That’s fine with me. But my parents are very strict and stuck in the past. “Why don’t you go somewhere?” they kept asking me after they moved in with me. Meet someone! “Go make friends.” I got so tired of them that I started going to internet cafes after work. I only came home to sleep. I turned off the Internet at home too. “Why is there no Internet?” my parents asked. I asked myself, “Why do I need the Internet?” I’m hanging out with my friends.” My parents finally gave up after two weeks and moved out. sdvb on Reddit

I run a managed service provider (MSP) business that helps clients with cloud computing. My business is doing well enough for me to pay my workers a fair wage and give them a good work-life balance. As of now, I haven’t had to fire anyone. I hired a middle manager because of this. We will call him Harry. He seems to have lost his mind about AI. He told me to fire an employee because AI could do his job better. To be honest, this annoyed me. Anyway, I went up to Harry and told him that I had thought about his ideas and decided to use AI to do his job for me. Through CompetitionExtreme36 on Reddit

When I started my new job, there were three people in my department: my boss, Helen, and me. She worked very slowly and wouldn’t finish her daily tasks until the end of the work day. While I got right to work, I was able to finish what I had planned for the day by lunchtime. That made me take on more work and finish 50% more tasks than Helen. My boss liked me a lot and told me I worked quickly, but Helen wasn’t very smart. It took me two months of hard work to figure out who among us wasn’t really smart. © Work Stories / VK


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