Amazing stories that sound like fiction but are actually true.

There are some stories so amazing that they make it hard to tell the difference between reality and imagination. We are interested in these stories because they seem too unbelievable to be true. They are full of twists we don’t think are possible, dangerous adventures, and unbelievable coincidences.

“When I was about 12, my mom left to do something, leaving me alone.” The doorbell rang soon after she left. We lived on a hill with only two neighbors, so we didn’t get any random visitors. Some picture frames were placed in a way that let me see out the door without being seen. When I look out, I see a young man I don’t know. He’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and something doesn’t seem right. To avoid him, I just wait for him to leave. He doesn’t, though. Again, this is a lonely hill, and I’m beginning to feel scared. I’m going to hide until my mom comes back. I had to run a few errands, and she had just left. I couldn’t pick up the phone without the guy seeing me. When I’m still not sure what to do, my mom comes home. She comes in and checks on me. She had a sudden urge to go home RIGHT NOW. She turned around right away, even though she hadn’t even done her first errand yet. We asked the man what he needed when we saw him in our yard. My mom told him to leave after he said something about looking for someone or something like that. He was acting very strangely, which scared my mom. The Willowed-Wisp on Reddit

“I was scuba diving in Asia with three other people. We went to a reef that no one had ever dived on before, and the bottom was 50 to 70 meters deep.” We all felt like we were being watched for five minutes into the dive. The feeling wouldn’t go away, but I ignored it. About 10 minutes into the dive, we all saw the outline of a white shark slowly glide by, right on the edge of what we could see. Then after one minute, glide back the other way. It was the scariest three minutes of my life during the decompression stop to get out. Have fun-Chard5729 on Reddit

“A friend and I were camping in eastern Arizona.” Setting up camp for the night, we found a spot about 14 or 15 miles into the forest on small quad/bike trails. We put out the fire and went to sleep in our tents. I’m reading a book on my phone for about 15 minutes when I hear what I can only describe as a roar coming from about 50 feet away. I’ve never been so scared in all my life. Both my friend and I get out of our tents and look around. It’s dark, so we can’t see anything. We run as fast as we can and get in the car.
That sound will always be with me. I saw bears in real life and looked up what a bear roar sounds like. The roar I heard was very different. The thing that made that noise didn’t want us to be there. On Reddit, Ok_Eggplant3314

“As a teenager, some of my friends and I hung out around midnight.” A slowly moving caravan goes by, and some people are looking out the windows. We all have a quiet look at each other, and the caravan pulls into a nearby parking spot. Something doesn’t feel right, so we all get up and walk to our bikes. After a while, we heard someone yell, and when I turned around, I saw about five or six people coming out with metal pipes and other things. We ran so fast that nothing happened, but I’m pretty sure someone was going to beat us up and steal our stuff. Taken2mush on Reddit

Our driveway had a lemonade stand set up. My cousin, who was in her teens, and my older brother were also there. I think I was three years old. A strange man stopped to get lemonade. He seemed friendly, but he said something strange about “seeing the engine in his car” and tried to get me to come to his door. I was picked up by my cousin, and we ran back to the house and my mom right away. It was funny because I lived in a small town and my mom was having coffee with a police officer at our house. The guy left before we even got to the end of the driveway, but that day he chose the wrong house. The MyToothEnts Reddit page


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