What my MIL did when I told her she couldn’t be in the delivery room will blow your mind.

Giving birth is an amazing experience that is full of both expected and unexpected turns. A lot of people plan very carefully for a natural, easy delivery. But sometimes things don’t go as planned in real life. It wasn’t what our reader expected when she was laboring, and her mother-in-law also messed up her well-laid plans.

Someone sent us an anonymous letter in our editorial asking for help.
“My MIL works at the hospital.” When I told her I was pregnant, she was thrilled at the thought of giving birth to my child and being THE FIRST TO HOLD IT to get to know her first grandchild.

“Like any mom, I wanted to hold my baby first, so I wouldn’t let her into the delivery room.” This made our family look very bad. Everyone, even my husband, thought I was being unreasonable. Because she had done it before, he thought it was safer for her to deliver the baby, and he didn’t see a problem with her holding the baby first. He told her, “It’s her first grandchild; she has every right.” But I went through nine months of pain and stress while carrying this baby. “I thought it was my right to be the first to hold my child.”

The disagreement seemed to be over until the day of delivery.

“My water finally broke when I was 10 days past due.” My doctor told me I should have a C-section after 24 hours of labor that wasn’t going anywhere. We agreed. My husband called our parents because it wasn’t an emergency. They got to the hospital an hour later.

“My mother-in-law jumped in and said, ‘You can’t say no now; I’ll do anything to help you!'” When I looked at her, I was angry and tired at the same time. I didn’t need her to be watching over me when things were already stressful. The nurses looked at each other awkwardly because they didn’t know what to do.

“In pain, I told them, ‘Thank you for your enthusiasm, but I need some space right now.'” Please follow my instructions. My MIL was shocked as she stood there. She lost the confidence she usually had, and a look of hurt and confusion crossed her face. I’m sorry for the fights we had in the past. She said, “I just want to help,” but her voice was shaking.

“I told her quite firmly, “I know.” I need to do this on my own terms, though. After seeing how much she seemed to want to help, I felt bad about being so mad at her.

When the woman found out what her MIL had done, she quickly lost any sympathy she had for her.

“What I didn’t expect about the C-section was how fast they stitched me back up and how quickly they took out the baby.” Even though I had IVs in my arms, they showed me my baby. I couldn’t hold her though. My husband went with her to the nursery school. It seemed like a long time, but I was moved to the recovery room in about 30 minutes.

“There was my little girl sleeping in her crib.” Because of what my MIL did, I told her to hold her granddaughter first.

It made her laugh when I asked her if she wanted to hold her first grandchild. She said, “Oh, I already did.”

“At that moment, all of my kindness went away.” I’m speechless over how mad I was. Also, the baby was only held by me because everyone knew how important it was for me to do it first. I told everyone to leave the room because I didn’t want to see anyone for a while.

“Now, my husband and mother-in-law think I’m being unfair.” Am I reacting too much? I would really appreciate your help.


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