I left my wife when she was falling apart, and now karma is hitting me so hard that I need help.

When we say “I do,” we promise that our spouse will be with us through different parts of our lives. We can’t be amazed by a spouse who only wants to share the best times with us and leaves us when we need help or don’t know what to do. The main character of today’s story is a man who treats his wife in a way that would make any woman unhappy. He broke up with her and left her to deal with things on her own when things were at their worst. But the woman was strong enough to turn her pain into a victory. Now the man is desperate about it and is asking for help even though everyone is judging him.

Mike and Ava were meant to be together.

Mike, who is 37 years old, just wrote an emotional letter in which he tells his story and asks readers what they think. The man is well aware that people with traditional family and human values might look down on him because of his situation. To our readers, though, his letter was meant to show that wedding vows are more than just words; they have deep meanings that he didn’t understand at first.

Mike told her that he feels terrible about what he did and that he still does. On the other hand, the man thinks that life and events have been too unfair to him, and he wants some things back in his life.

“My wife Ava has always been a thin and beautiful woman,” the man began his letter. Thought I was never good enough for such a beautiful woman when we first met. There were a lot of men around Ava who liked her and dreamed about her, but she chose me, which made me feel so proud. I now know that I treated my wife like a trophy the whole time we were together. I fell in love with her because of how beautiful she was, and I failed miserably at getting to know her personality, mind, and soul. I didn’t look any further because I was too busy admiring her face and body, which I really regret.

After that, Mike says, “My life was like paradise when we started dating and then got married.” My wife and I were very much in love, and I really thought that this would never end. The bad news is that it did.

After their son was born, the happy marriage turned into a mess.

“Ava and I wanted kids more than anything else in our lives,” Mark says next in his confession. It was clear to both of us that being a parent meant making a lot of sacrifices, and we were both ready to leave our comfort zones for the sake of a tiny person who was about to be born.

But I wasn’t ready for one thing that turned out to happen. And this is the big change I saw in Ava’s personality and looks after our son was born.

We had the best nine months of our lives together while she was pregnant. We were both so happy, and Ava was literally glowing. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and she was beautiful and happy the whole time she was pregnant.

Mike also said, “But things got really bad after our son was born.” I no longer loved Ava, and I felt like I had married someone else instead of the woman who was with me at the time.

Mike wasn’t happy with how his wife looked or behaved.

“Ava changed so much, and I was shocked,” Mike says next in his story. She gained a lot of weight and her body wasn’t in as good of shape as it was before she got pregnant and gave birth. She also started having major skin problems.

I saw that Ava’s behavior had also changed a lot. Anything and everything made her angry. She yelled at me and started crying more often than before. These tears were over small things like a coffee mug left in the sink without being washed or neighbors who didn’t say hello to her because they didn’t see her.

The family was getting so tense. Even though I did a lot of stupid things to help Ava with the baby, she was still mad at me. I liked her so much that I moved to a different room so I wouldn’t have to sleep in the same bed with her.

“I only now understand how wrong it was to be so mean, but I was blind and deaf at the time.”

“One day, Ava just told me that we need to split up,” Mike said. It made me feel better because this was also what I wanted. Our divorce was very friendly, and this strong woman didn’t cry at all while we were splitting up.

Everything changed a lot after the divorce, but not in a good way.

“After the divorce, I had to leave the country for work,” Mike said. For more than three years, I lived in a different country, and Ava was not there. I did see our baby son a few times after she sent me pictures of him, but I didn’t get to see them as often as I would have liked. After that, it’s time for me to go back to my home country.

As soon as I got there, I went to Ava’s house, which used to be my house too. When Ava opened the door, I stopped in my tracks because she looked so beautiful again. It broke my heart to see her smile and look so good and happy.

I told her I liked her, but she didn’t respond at all. Ava liked that we had fun together when I took my son for a walk. When I got back, there were pictures of Ava with another man all over the walls. When I asked her who it was, she said it was her fiancé. But I saw that these pictures were taken when Ava wasn’t in the best of health. The man in them was holding her, kissing her, and looking at her with love and passion.

Ava didn’t tell me much about how they are dating. What she only said that I remember is that her fiancé always told her she was the most beautiful woman in the world and that he loved her plus-size body and all of her stretch marks. He thought she was beautiful even though her skin was bothering her and she had acne after giving birth. He always told her she was the cutest and most beautiful woman in the world.

“I feel like a fool now,” Mark said. I fell in love with Ava again right away. Again, not with Ava, who was slim and pretty, but with that happy woman who looked at me from the pictures with another man.

The man also said, “I want my wife back so badly right now, and I feel terrible about being such a mean and disgusting fool.” But Ava is happy with someone else, and she keeps telling me that I’m just the “father of her child.” I really need to get my wife back, but I don’t know what to do.


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