People talk about strange things that keep happening to them.

We know that horror movies are made up, so they will only give us temporary chills. However, some of us have seen or heard scary things that words can’t describe. People who are sure there are no ghosts or other supernatural things can change their minds after experiencing strange events that scare them for the rest of their lives.

My uncle used to have a cabin in the woods near Winter, Wisconsin, on a part of the Chippewa Flowage that wasn’t very developed. It wasn’t too far away that you couldn’t go into town for things you needed, but it was also too far away that if you got hurt you’d be in a lot of trouble. During the summer, I would go there with my cousins and tear through the woods. When I was about ten years old, my uncle woke us up quickly and told us it was time to fetch some fish. It was still really early, and we were all lost because it was so dark. Also, who the hell went fishing so early? We were rushed down to the dock where he kept his small fishing boat. He then quickly threw us into the water and away from the house. We were all getting a little scared at this point because things were so strange. We thought we might be getting in trouble because the day before, my uncle went to cut wood but couldn’t find his axe. He left it stuck in a tree stump next to the cabin and said we messed with it, which, to be fair, sounded like something we would have done. He had to drive into town to get a new one in the end. Still, he wasn’t talking. We shivered under a blanket at the bow of the boat while my uncle looked at the shore with wide eyes and waved a flashlight behind us. We finally got to the friend of my uncle’s cabin across the lake and stumbled into his house. Our uncle put us to sleep in the loft, locked the doors, and left. He and his friend didn’t come back until well after dawn. Our uncle finally came along with the truck and trailer already full of our stuff and told us it was time to go home. We were all confused about why we were leaving the cabin so early, but since we were kids, we didn’t say anything. He didn’t say a word the whole long drive back to everyday life. After many years, my uncle told me that he had rushed us home because he had heard a strange “Thok! Thok! Thok!” sound coming from outside the cabin at 3 a.m. He went outside to look into it when a huge jack pine tree fell across the narrow driveway and blocked our way in. He quickly ran his flashlight along the tree line after hearing the noise and saw a man with an axe sneak off into the darkness of the woods. He and his friend had to take turns using chains to cut the tree in half while one of them watched with a gun. The axe was never found. blocked on Reddit

When I was a little over 30, my mother died of cancer. My last words to her that she could understand were “Mom, not now.” because I was very busy with school that day. “I’ll call you soon.” After two hours, she was taken to the hospital and didn’t wake up again. After six months, I had minor surgery. The pain was so bad that I was given painkillers. In the hospital bed, my mom came in and sat down next to me. We talked for an hour. Really, it felt so real. She touched my hand, and we had a great conversation. When I got the bill a month later, I found out about the painkiller. Before that, I was sure it wasn’t a hallucination, and I began to question whether or not there is an afterlife. By samaniewiem on Reddit

My dad gave me an opal ring that I lost. After a few years, I moved to a new town and a new house. My son, who hadn’t even been born yet when the ring was lost, was using a spoon to dig under a patio made of concrete. He showed me the ring I had lost a long time ago. No matter what I’ve tried, I can’t figure out how the ring got to its new home and then under a slab of concrete that was poured a long time ago. I still have the ring, and the opal was broken somewhere along the way. ChooseSnyder on Reddit

My boss, I, and a coworker were measuring something at a surface table when the quarter-ton table moved across the concrete floor about six inches in one corner, making a loud screech. Someone had grabbed it and moved it out of the way. We both looked at each other like, “Did that just happen?” On Reddit, BiffChildFromBangor


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