When I heard my mom and my mother-in-law talking, I decided I would never see or talk to them again.

There are times when we may think we know everything there is to know about our close family members. But an accident can reveal such bad things about the people we love that it can ruin even the best relationships. For a long time, our main character thought that both her mom and her MIL wanted the best for her. But she accidentally told everyone that the two women were working together against her and thought they should be in charge of her life. Finally, the woman got over her shock, and here’s her whole story.

Anna has always loved spending time with her mom and mother-in-law.

Anna, who is 33 years old, just wrote us a very touching letter in which she told us her story. The woman cut all ties with her mother and mother-in-law, which was a hard choice. Now she wants to know if our readers would do the same thing if they were in her shoes.

Anna said “Hi!” at the beginning of her letter. I am writing this letter to you because I want to share my story with your readers. I need your help with my tough life situation. These days, I don’t trust many people, so I really want to tell my story to someone who won’t judge it and who may have been through a similar conflict before. When my story comes out, I can’t wait to read the comments. I hope there will be some good advice there.

“So, I haven’t talked to two of the most important and loved people in my life because my mom and my MIL joined forces against me and started acting very badly.” I’ve always loved my mom, and our relationship has been pure and honest for as long as I can remember. My mom raised me by herself since my dad died when I was 3 years old; I’m the only child in my family.
My mom is beautiful, and she was great at being both of my parents at the same time. I never went without anything as I grew up. I’ve always felt safe with her around. Someone hurt her so much when someone hurt me or treated me badly, and she was always ready to punish those who were mean to me.
From the first time I met her, my MIL has become like a second mother to me. People say nice things about her, and she has always been so loving and supportive of me that it made me feel like I was really lucky.

Anna saw some warning signs, but she didn’t pay attention to them.

“Both my mom and my MIL have been very helpful when I needed them in my life,” Anna says next in her story. Both my husband and I work full-time. We have two kids, and while my husband and I were at work, my mom and mother-in-law took care of them every day.
There were some things about the way they behaved that I didn’t quite get. For instance, they were too involved in our family life and asked too many questions about my husband and my relationship. They also offered to help with things that didn’t need it.

“A few times, I caught my mom looking through my husband’s phone. When I told her, she said she wasn’t wearing her glasses and thought it was her phone.”
But I saw my mother-in-law acting the same way. She was caught on my phone and my husband’s computer reading texts. While I thought this was rude, I assumed it was just the old lady’s natural curiosity, so I chose to be understanding.

Anna heard her mom and her mother-in-law talking about something strange one day.

The next part of Anna’s story is, “Two months ago, I found out I was pregnant with our third child.” My husband and I were shocked when we found out we were pregnant. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have another child, but my husband was so happy that he insisted we have this baby. He convinced me that we could handle everything together, and I agreed.

“Barely two weeks ago, I got home from seeing my doctor and heard my mom and MIL having a very emotional conversation.” “He made a big mistake, but we shouldn’t tell Anna. We have to keep it a secret because the truth will kill her and her unborn child,” my mom said. “Yes, we shouldn’t ruin their nice family. Everyone makes mistakes. We just need to make sure he doesn’t see that woman again,” my MIL said.
There was no doubt that they were talking about my husband and some mistake he made. I was scared and made up my mind right then that I had to find out what secret they were both trying to hide from me.

Anna talked to her mom about it and learned the painful truth.

Anna wrote, “I chose to talk to my mom first. She turned pale as soon as I told her I heard them talking about my family.” When she wouldn’t talk about it, I told her I would stop talking to her and wouldn’t let her see the birth of her grandchild if she didn’t tell me the truth. She told me everything. When I told everyone that my husband had been cheating on me for six months, they were shocked. She told us he was seeing someone else, but she insisted we keep the baby.

“The worst part of the story was that both my mom and my MIL knew about his affair. They knew about it before I got pregnant, but they chose to tell no one about it! Even though they knew I didn’t want to have another child and that keeping the baby was a hard choice for me, they wanted to know that I was having a baby with a liar and cheater instead of telling me!”

And I didn’t want to see my husband, my mom, or my mother-in-law because I was shocked, angry, and sad. I chose to keep the baby and raise him by myself. And I haven’t talked to any of them since then. I also won’t let any of them be with me when I give birth. Does that make sense? Should I try to forgive my mom and give her another chance to be a good mother and grandmother?”


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