Friends of mine have bad plans for my son, and I’m a single mom. I’m mad.

While being a single mother, it can be hard to balance being a father and a mother. Most of the time, single moms have a hard time and have to do twice as many things. Today we’re going to talk about a 25-year-old woman who has been a single mom and has shown amazing strength. However, her friends’ well-meaning meddling is making her very upset right now. This is where her story is told.

She has been taking care of her son by herself and has never complained.

She told us her story in a simple, honest letter. She is having a hard time and is looking for help and advice online.

“My son Olaf is 4 years old, and I’m a single mom.” We haven’t heard from his dad since he left when he was only two days old. He hasn’t paid child support and I’ve never been able to depend on him for money. My parents were killed in a car accident three years ago, and I don’t talk to the rest of my family because they treat me badly because I’m a mother.

To help pay for us, I had to quit college and work different jobs. We’re not poor, but we do lack a lot of things, and we rent a one-bedroom apartment right now. Our life isn’t perfect, but I hope to make it better and maybe even buy a house in the next few years. We get by with what we have for now.

Olaf knows that I will always do my best for him. We don’t have a lot, and he doesn’t always get the newest clothes or toys, but we have each other and are very close.

Andie added, “My son has never gone without a present for his birthday or Christmas, and I always try to get him at least some of the things he wants.” Olaf has never been envious of his friends’ things, even if they have more. He doesn’t break things very often because he is careful with what he has. He is a nice boy who loves to share with other kids.

She met some nice people who quickly became her best friends.

“We went to a village last year where one of my distant relatives lives.” He asked us out of the blue, and I said yes because, unlike the rest of my family, he’s always been nice to us. Another great thing about it was that Olaf could see something different. That’s where Olaf met a girl named Rosa. A lot of games were played with her, and Olaf eventually went to her house. Helen and Paul Rosa, Rosa’s parents, and I had met them a few times before this. They seemed really nice and helpful. I liked hanging out with them because we had a lot in common. Olaf loved spending time with their daughter at their house. Before we left, Helen suggested that we trade numbers. After that, they started texting and calling me a lot.

She went on, “Helen is a stay-at-home mom and once offered to watch Olaf for a whole week.” I didn’t want to ask her to do so much, but she was nice and insisted. I took him back to the village. Their daughter and my son had a great time together. I didn’t like how they made me feel by giving him so many gifts while he was there, but I thought they were doing it because they were nice. I didn’t say anything about spoiling my kid because I was thankful for how much fun they made Olaf’s life.

Things quickly got bad between the close friends.

“Helen and Paul started having Olaf over more and more often,” Andrea said. They even suggested that he stay with them for a month so I could get work done. Because they were paying so much attention to Olaf, this made me feel bad. They said they loved having him around and often said he felt like their own child, even though I told them I could never repay them.

I finally told them what was bothering me about their insistence on having Olaf so much. Their answer shocked me. Their dream had always been to have a big family with lots of kids, and they told Olaf he could live with them permanently. I was told I could still see him, but they would be taking care of him. I thought it was a joke at first, but it turned out to be their serious plan, which shocked me.

She was shocked when the couple finally told her what they really wanted to do.

I asked them what they meant by keeping Olaf for a long time, but they didn’t answer, and I felt a wave of fear. Then they started to talk about the legal steps needed to become Olaf’s caretakers. They promised me that they would still encourage him to call me mom. They told me to think about what would be best for Olaf. It scared me and I told them it was sick.

“I quickly grabbed Olaf and left,” she said. I blocked their numbers right away. My son keeps asking me why we don’t go see them anymore because he doesn’t get it. He’s having a hard time and really misses them and Rosa. But now I know what they really want, and it scares me. Olaf shouldn’t go back there. Should we leave this city? Or should I try to make a deal with them that they won’t bring this up again and leave Olaf alone with Rosa while I watch? What should I do?”

Watch more below…

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