Stories that are nice and will make you cry with happiness.

Some days, everything goes badly. In the middle of the night, the cat starts to scream, an old lady criticizes you in the street, or your boss insults you in any way possible. Good things and nice stories are the only things that can make us feel like everything will be okay right now.

My little boy threw a fit in the grocery store because he spent too much time outside. Trying to push the stroller and hold my wriggling son at the same time, I barely got the groceries on the belt. I was also about to cry myself. After that, a woman came up to me. Although I was ready for her to scold me, she instead said, “Let me help you.” It was all I could do to whisper “Yes.” She put the paid-for groceries in the stroller calmly and rolled it out of the store. She even offered to roll it to my house so I could carry my son. She only said, “We’re all mothers, and we all know how hard it can be sometimes,” when I tried to thank her. Thank you again if you are reading this! © VK and Mamdarinka

For six years, my son danced classical ballroom, but then he stopped. It costs a lot to play. My wife sold some of his clothes, which were all in great shape, for 10 times less than the cost of brand-new ones. We sent the clothes to a woman who wrote to us and bought them. After that, she thanked us and sent a picture of her son dancing. When my wife talked to her, she learned that the family was very poor and that the son liked dancing. Because of this, we sent them all of our clothes and shoes. Not charging anything. We still talk to each other every once in a while. The boy is practicing, and she sends me pictures from competitions and asks for advice on coaches. Even though we didn’t need these clothes, the boy can do what he loves with them. ItsCookies and Pikabu

During the summer, I worked for a pretty wealthy family. I went inside to get something to drink while my mom cleaned up the kitchen and put things away. “Hey, do you want this?” she asks me as she picks up a MacBook. It’s not being used.” I got a brand-new MacBook for school. From kingJoffi on Reddit

My parents, who were both students, took me to the sea when I was 4 or 5 years old. There, my dad’s distant relatives lived. We walked along the vineyard every day to get to the bus stop. I believe it was September. A guard came out to us on the fifth day with six pounds of red and white grapes. He stated, “You walk by with hungry eyes every day.” I had never eaten grapes before that. Vor4un73 and Pikabu

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