8 Clients who turned everyday interactions into amazing stories

You often feel a lot of stress when you work with people. It can be exhausting to deal with just one difficult customer, and some days you may have to deal with several. But every once in a while, one customer or visitor stands out so much that their behavior sticks with you.

1. I work for a health club. One trainer had a client who told her to write down everything on a piece of paper. “Eat oatmeal for breakfast,” the trainer wrote. “Weigh 3 ounces of dry cereal…” and so on.
The woman told the boss after three days that our diet was giving her stomach pain. She ate dry oat flakes, it turned out. People are sometimes strange… What I Heard/VK

2. I used to work in a call center for a big bank. A customer called from one of the branches and said the line was too long, so he needed my help. He said the ATM was broken, so he had to get cash when I asked what his question was. He said, “Why don’t you just fax it to me?” when I asked him how I could help him get cash from the bank over the phone. kitjen on Reddit

3. I worked at a Mongolian restaurant that served white rice. When I offered rice to a guest, he really had no idea what it was. “Those little white things” was what I had to say. I tried to figure out for 10 seconds if he was joking, but he looked at me still confused, so I told him, “Nevermind.” _Lumos on Reddit

4. “Your programmers aren’t very good!” They do a bad job at everything!”
“Is the program going to work?”
“It does”
“Any errors?”
No errors.
“Does the program do exactly what it says it will do in the technical task?”
“Yes, but we had something totally different in mind when we wrote it!” This is astrobeglec / Pikabu.

5. I work as a vet tech. Many people think the bumps on their dog’s nose are ticks. Plenty. One guy even said, “But he’s a boy!” which made us laugh. From Reddit and JunkyardForLove

6. I work at a grocery store. Today I’m putting out eggs without bothering anyone, while the guy next to me is picking out his “best dozen.” But all of a sudden, he drops a brown egg.
I run after it like a cheetah and catch it about 4 inches off the ground. As I give it to him, I scold him in silence. He then yells, “Harry Potter caught the golden snitch!” “The Gryffindors win!”
He told me my uniform was red when I laughed out loud and asked why Gryffindor. He made my day! © Author Not Known / Pikabu

7. “Hi Kate, this class can only happen once a week. Is that okay?”
“Hello, that’s fine.”
“But won’t that change the results?”
“You’ll only study half as much.” The quarter gave you a C. Yes, it will.
“But we have art, singing, and gymnastics!” We can’t come twice a week! Could we come once a week? “Will she be able to learn everything in a month?”
“In four lessons? She won’t, though. She needs to come at least twice a week.
“However, we have art, singing, and gymnastics!”
“I feel like we’re going in circles.” Lirala and Pikabu

8. I was a tour guide getting to know my customers. What did they do for a living? A man replied and then asked, “How about you?” From FeralCalhoun on Reddit

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