8 Couples who have lived together and seen how it changes everything

A lot of couples think that being together is all about being cozy and getting along. Of course, things often don’t work out that way. A partner’s cute habits can become annoying, and normal things can become real struggles. We get to know someone better when we live with them. Now comes the most interesting part: how to keep the peace and love when there is a dirty kitchen as well as feelings at stake?

1. Everything began when our son was born. As a good wife and mother, I moved away from my husband and into a different room. Of course, the kid will have gas, toothaches, and other problems, and the parent who makes the money needs to get enough rest. We started “to visit” each other after that.
I would take my husband on a date after the kid went to sleep. To make things even better, he always set up a date for me. He would give me a massage, offer to talk, listen to me talk until I was done, or buy me sushi rolls.
I moved in with my husband full-time when my son got older. I wasn’t just a “guest.” That night, my husband hit me twice in the forehead with his fist. Then someone pushed me so hard against the wall that I couldn’t move until the next morning.
Our plan was to learn how to sleep together again, but it didn’t work out. So we kept going to see each other. We’re okay with this. | Img0 | Pikabu

2. I don’t like cooking, so every day I get food delivered. Also, my boyfriend wants me to cook for him. It’s said over and over, “All wives cook for their husbands.” I’m also tired and don’t have time to cook because I get home late from work. I told him, “You’re not my husband yet.” “You should show me that you’ll be a good wife!” she told her. VK STORY THAT CONTINUES

3. My husband chose to get a beard. He had always shaved, but when he saw that he had a double chin, he chose to cover it up.
Because of this, he began trimming his beard every morning. Plus it’s awful! When he leaves, the sink is full of hairs. I am fed up with cleaning.
I yelled at him because I couldn’t take it any longer. The next morning, this weirdo was using a hair dryer to blow out the hair in the sink! We finally agreed that he should learn how to take care of his beard by going to a barber.

4. My girlfriend and I just moved in together. It turns out that she makes tasty but bad for you food! Fried sandwiches with ham and cheese, baked potatoes with fillets, breaded chicken, mini pizzas, and for dessert, biscuits and cheesecakes over and over again. Her metabolism is very fast, even though she eats fast food and sweets several times a week. I lost weight while on a diet three years ago, but now I’ve put it back on. I know her food is bad for me, but I can’t stop eating it. Overheard or Idear

5. I love pets, but I don’t like my boyfriend’s cat. My things get dirty because of this animal. Yes, just my things. Before we moved in together, she didn’t do that. Before she came along, we didn’t fight, but now she makes us fight every day.
I want to “accidentally” open the door sometimes so she can run out and get lost. I really love the guy, but I’m ready for our relationship to end. I only can’t leave because I think it would be stupid to do so because of a cat. Overheard or Idear

6. A friend just moved in with the guy she’s been seeing for six months. One strange thing about the guy’s habits became clear when they lived together. “He leaves everything open!” He opens anything and throws away the lid right away, like toothpaste tubes, water bottles, and food that goes bad quickly. Because this habit is annoying to my friend, we have already started having disagreements about something that doesn’t seem important. © Pikabu and flyheart.ann

7. I met a guy. There was no mess at all when I went to visit him. Because I’m lazy and don’t like to clean, I thought this was even better. I need a man like that. We moved in together. After three months, I broke up with him because he was yelling at me for doing nothing at home. Funny, huh? Overheard or Idear

8. I remember renting our first apartment together when I was dating the man who would become my husband. We fought over the best side of the bed, which was near the wall, since it was our first night together. Even though I won, it was a bad night. He held me tight, pushed me up against the wall, and snored all night into my ear. I thought the ringing in my ears would never go away by morning. At the end of the day, the wall side would be his for years to come. This is Pizzaisptitsi / Pikabu.

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