You should get rid of the lanternfly, or Lycorma delicatula, right away.
if you see it. It originated in China and was first observed in the United States in 2014 in Pennsylvania.
It has since spread, seriously harming the environment and agriculture.
Many plants and trees’ sap is consumed by lanternflies, which weakens them and
Their excretion of sticky honeydew causes sooty mold. By preventing photosynthesis, this mold causes additional damage to the plant.
It’s simple to identify lanternflies. Adults have gray wings and measure around one inch in length.
Red and black underwings with black dots. Before reaching adulthood, nymphs are black with white dots that turn crimson.
They penetrate plants with their needle-like mouthparts to extract sap, which is the plant’s life force.
“The recommended course of action is to eliminate it” if you come upon a lanternfly. The adults can be squashed.
or nymphs themselves. It’s also critical to destroy egg masses, which resemble gray mud stains.
To destroy the eggs, scrape them into a bag with hand sanitizer or alcohol. Acting in opposition to
Lanternflies are vital to the preservation of our ecosystem and vegetation. If you see one,
Keep in mind the harm they can do and take action to protect our ecosystems.