We received a letter from a woman who told us her incredible story. She has drastically reduced her weight, and shortly after returning to her workplace, one of her coworkers began disparaging her and even attempting to have her fired. However, the story takes a turn that makes the protagonist of today’s piece the victor in this awful circumstance.
It all began with a weight loss.
A forty-year-old woman wrote us a letter sharing her story, which touched us deeply on an emotional and mental level.
Debra, our heroine, has been employed by a sizable company for more than ten years. “I recently returned to work after a month-long emergency medical leave,” the woman began her letter. I’ve gone from a size 20 to a size 8, but the main thing is that I’m still having mental health issues. No one in my office had expected a change this significant, so when I returned to work following my sick leave, I was immediately inundated with inquiries. My coworkers were speculating about my health, but only out of curiosity. Aubrey, a coworker with whom I don’t often communicate, struggled to accept my weight loss.
The woman continues, narrating, “I wish you had applied to me to lose your extra weight instead of taking to such drastic measures. Aubrey approached me on my first day back to work.” You know you’ll get it all back. I’m going to wait.
Debra’s new physique greatly triggered Aubrey.
“I knew that Aubrey had a dubious reputation, but since we never worked together I didn’t think it would be a problem,” Debra continues in her account. Aubrey is among those who consider themselves to be experts in fitness; she even refers to herself as a “health coach.” Naturally, her actions are unrelated to the business that we both work for. She’s well-known for her incessant and inaccurate “health advice” and for her quick observations about the appearance and dietary preferences of others.
The hurtful response from her coworker stunned Debra. She wrote, “When Aubrey questioned why I chose surgery over working hard to lose the weight, I was dumbfounded.” Although I didn’t experience surgical weight loss, I didn’t like her combative demeanor. And to top it all off, she was wildly spreading rumors, which was absurd.”
In her attempts to irritate Debra, Aubrey went too far.
Debra disclosed, “Aubrey stopped by my office at the end of the day while dressed for sports during my third week back.” Should I be “so afraid to attend the gym alone,” she offered to accompany me. My health was so bad at the time that I couldn’t even go up stairs or do the laundry, much less go to the gym with this nosy woman. She promised me I’d gain the weight back because I’m lazy, but I refused, and she left.
And the suffering didn’t stop here. “The following day this vibrant woman complained angrily about me in a meeting,” Debra wrote. I attended a medical check-up, so I wasn’t there. I was told she said I couldn’t understand and complete my work responsibilities if I couldn’t commit to losing weight naturally. Following this comment, our HR considered it to be concerning. Such instances may bar you from receiving bonuses from our company for the entire calendar year. I was called in for a meeting with our boss the day after I returned; I had no idea about any of this.
Aubrey was taken aback by Karma’s sudden and unexpected attack.
Speaking with her supervisor gave Debra the ideal chance to give Aubrey a hard lesson.
The woman disclosed, “I had my last check-up the day before, and I prepared all of my medical records to be brought to work, which I did.” I told my boss that during a routine visit, a new doctor recommended an emergency MRI for me, following years of medical gaslighting. It revealed a lump in my stomach. Within 24 hours, my doctor hurried me into surgery. I was on the verge of multiple organ failure due to an eighteen-pound tumor that was affecting my vital organs. I’m fortunate to still be alive and that this tumor has been removed. I actually lost weight as a result of having that tumor removed; time will tell if I still have significant organ damage, but as of right now, everything is good.
Debra’s supervisor called Aubrey into his office and requested that she apologize to Debra after learning all of this information, which was corroborated by the woman’s medical records. After hearing Debra’s entire weight loss story, Aubrey didn’t feel that she needed to apologize. She acted like a boss and was very ostentatious.
“It goes without saying that Aubrey was fired that very same day,” Debra wrote. After that, she called me and yelled obscenities and abuse at me. I didn’t need any more stress, so I blocked her from everywhere. I sincerely hope that this new chapter in my life will be free of cancer and poisonous people.
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